Welcome to screammquean a wesbite for graphics, resources, and much more. Ran by a 33 year old mother of 4. Who is a true crime/horror loving junkie. Come inside, if you dare!
This section is going to be all about, true crime! I have found a podcast I am listing to on Spotify. I really hope you enjoy it! It's about the Black Dahlia. It's really intresting so far what I have listened too! ENJOY! PODCAST
Mood: Tired Listening To: The Funeral Portarit Time: 8:50 P.M.
Hey everyone. Long time no talk. Life has happened, and I haven't had time to do anything. But, I did manage to get this new layout up. I am in love with it! Haha, so how was everyone's Holidays? I hope well. Mine was pretty nasty, I had Flu A along with my middle son. It was horrible. Well, good bye for now loves.